Toll Mid-Atlantic is seeking about 20 zoning variances in order to build 60 townhomes on property owned by Woods Services in Langhorne. The zoning variances include: allowing the homes to be built in a professional services zone; allowing decks and patios to be considered accessory structures and built in the building setback; and a variance to prevent a merger of lots that don’t meet the minimum lot size. The appeal also asks that the impervious surface be allowed to be 54%, where 35% is allowed for homes classified as B4. And it seeks to avoid minimum lot requirements “as lot lines are not proposed for the townhome area.”
Toll is planning to build the townhomes with a walking trail, tree plantings and landscaping. The townhome proposal is separate from another zoning request that Woods has before the neighboring Middletown zoners to build a 42-unit apartment building on property it owns on East Maple Avenue.
Source: Bucks County Courier Times: 7/12/2022
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